Hi, our Portrait competition is now open. All members are welcome to put up 3 Portrait images for judging via the Competition page. All entries should be in by 30th November as no late entries will be accepted.
I will be the only person who is able to identify your images, you will be allocated a competition number when you submit them, which keeps them anonymous to everyone one else. I have been asked by our judge Tracey Ross to ensure that all images comply with the tittle Portrait. If i think there could be an issue with any of your images I will send you a private message giving you the opportunity to rectify the problem. (This does not mean i am judging your image in any way).
Tracey is going to send me an e-mail in the near future with some info on what she will be looking for which I will share with everyone. In the meantime here are some hints which have come from Tracey herself.
1) Good lighting is important. Avoid sunshine, instead look at shooting in golden hour or blue hour.
2) Use a low f number
3) Include a good background which tells a story to go with your portrait image.
4) Try and have good eye contact.
Good luck everyone.