Mon 24 Feb 2025 - AGM and Grand Opening of our new Task Project
Yes, it's that time of year, and it has to be done. We are looking for a new Secretary and a replacement for Susan. These 2 committee members have both served on the committee for 3 years. Thank you to them both. If you would like to join our happy little band, please speak to any committee member in advance.
Wih the business side of thing wrapped up in the first half hour we will revive ourselves with a cuppa and chat.
Following on from all the serious stuff, we shall now be allocating the next "Task Cards" as you form small groups of folk, with which you...
Mon 24 Mar 2025 - A Guide To Scotland’s Night Sky by Andrew Allen
I'm super excited about this evening having seen Andrew's presentation already.
Andrew is a self taught astrophotographer who loves what he does and talks with great passion and enthusiasm. He promotes the night sky with his social media "Scotland's Night Sky" and he will inspire and encourage you to go out and explore the many dark skies Scotland has to offer.
We are blessed with night sky lights such as the Milky Way, Northern Lights, Noctilucent Clouds and amazing Meteor Showers. Andrew will share his photographs of these along with simple diagrams to help us...
Mon 21 Apr 2025 - Phone Camera Photography
We all use the camera on our phones from time to time, so why not see if we can learn of more of the features available to us. After all the best camera to use is the one you have with you at the time !!!