Mon 3 Jun 2024 7:00pm
Due to road traffic accident in the West Kilbride area, we will meet at Fairlie beach (Largs end). There is a carpark beside community gardens, Allanton Park Terrace, KA29 0AW.
Very sorry for last minute change but have been informed that traffic is a stand still in both directions.
We will meet in the car park at Seamill Beach and take images with/without props (see pictures for ideas)
You will need your camera/tripod/remote release if have one.
Do not park on road.... Please use carpark to avoid getting parking ticket.
Hyndman road (carpark)
Ka23 9nl
I'm OK for tonight I usually park at the far end of the car park as there is a little wall and a patch of grass to keep things of the grass
I'm OK for tonight I usually park at the far end of the car park as there is a little wall and a patch of grass to keep things of the grass