Nobody is usually looking for a long winded AGM so we will make it as brief as it can be.
We are putting in place a new constitution, which will be agreed at this meeting. in order for this to happen, can you please read it over. You will find a pending version on this web-site.
If there is anything you are unhappy about or would like discuss please let me know via
Perhaps you would like to join the committee, we are looking for a new treasurer in particular. If interested can you please get in touch with Marjory. She is keen to help the new treasurer take over before she leaves the committee. We are also looking for a new Vice Chairperson as Jim is going to be taking over from Susan as Chairperson. Susan is going to stay on the committee, but we still have a space for a committee member. We meet about every 3 months over coffee and biscuits.
Please bring your cameras as Susan and Jim are going to complete their series on The Exposure Triangle.